Here is an in interesting nugget of research on business students. The article is entitled “Business Students Score Higher on Narcissism,” and you can read it at the link below:
So, what do you think of this research finding? Agree/disagree - about your fellow students and even yourself? How does this translate into the “real world” of work? See this in your own managers? Enjoy - and feel free to forward to your friends and colleagues!
David Wyld, Professor of Management
Southeastern Louisiana University
So, what do you think of this research finding? Agree/disagree - about your fellow students and even yourself? How does this translate into the “real world” of work? See this in your own managers? Enjoy - and feel free to forward to your friends and colleagues!
And for those of you who happen to have me for both Management 425 and 464 (either at the same time or in a prior semester), the alternate link of the day is:
Good luck - and take advantage of this extra learning (and extra credit!)...
Good luck - and take advantage of this extra learning (and extra credit!)...
David Wyld, Professor of Management
Southeastern Louisiana University
Management in a Minute (http://managementinaminute.blogspot.com/)
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